How to Write Thank You For Helping Me Grow - Teachers Gift Calligraphy
It's not long now until the little darlings break up from school for the summer. If like me you leave things to the last minute, a great way to make up for the time is to create a little card thanking your teacher.
As always I prefer to mock up my design with a pencil so I can work on the layout and correct any mistakes and add flourishes. I hope you enjoy this quick little calligraphy tutorial, if you do create this I'd love to see your version, please tag me @wildseacalligraphy and don't forget to like and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Materials Used: - Oblique Pen Holder - Nikko G Nib - Moon Palace Sumi Ink - HB Pencil - HP Colorchoice Paper (or calligraphy paper of your choice)