March Meet the Maker 2020


What is March Meet the Maker? 

If you’re on Instagram and you follow a lot of makers you’ll probably notice that over the years they participate is something called “March Meet the Maker”. Every year a lovely illustrator named Joanne Hawker sets up a list of daily prompts for the month of March.

What’s a daily prompt?

So these particular daily prompts are great for small creative businesses, they allow followers to see what goes on behind the scenes, to find out the story behind the business and the person creating their products. What makes them tick, how long they spent on their ideas, what their studio looks like behind the scenes.


I’ve been participating in March Meet the Maker since 2018 and find it’s a great way to break away from my normal social media plans and look through all my old imagery and to talk about each piece of work and share my stories, my highs and my lows with a new audience. It’s also a great way to find new accounts and to also learn about the businesses that I admire. It gives a little insight to what goes on behind the scenes and really unites our little creative community.

Want to catch up with my March posts? Check out for the stories behind my business, why I do it, how and how long it takes me to get there.
