Calligraphy Engraving Inspiration


What is calligraphy engraving?

Have you noticed the increased abundance of calligraphy engraving all over social media? I certainly did in the early part of 2019 when I would see these exquisitely engraved perfume bottles sold for Christmas by some big old brands (Jo Malone, Chanel, Boden). I loved how the etching looked on the glass, how permanent and radiant the calligraphy seemed on a pretty bottle. Move forward a couple of months and I’d bought my first engraver and let me tell you it was not a pretty experience! The motion was very bumpy and my finished project didn’t look anything like the stunning examples I’d seen everywhere. I was so disappointed. After some research I’d discovered that you really need a very very good quality engraver to get the smooth results, especially when writing with it.

My InkMeThis Engraver

For a completely different project (details to be released later this year) I had spoken with Kestrel Montes of Inkmethis. She has the most satisfying calligraphy style and in my opinion, she’s a master of calligraphy engraving. Best of all at the latter part of 2019 she revealed that she had created and was planning on selling her very own calligraphy engravers. Well you know if you want to get a good product you can trust the person who is using it to its full potential and seeing Kestrel’s work I knew that this engraver wouldn’t let me down.

How did I start with my calligraphy engraver?

In the new year of 2020 I finally received my engraver. It has been a bit of a challenge learning all the settings, especially what speed is best for the product. I also found that writing on a rounded surface is no laughing matter! I’m still in the process of learning and looking forward to more calligraphy engraving projects but am pleased with the results I have shown for my gin and champagne glasses so far. One day I plan on being brave enough to get some more flourishing onto my work but for now I’ll just keep it nice and simple.

Purchase your personalised gin glass here.

Ever wanted to learn modern calligraphy? 

View my upcoming modern calligraphy workshops or purchase your own modern calligraphy kit and work through my calligraphy workbook in the comfort of your own home.
