New Modern Calligraphy Studio

Well, I can’t quite believe it’s been nearly a year to the day since my last blog post. I think that’s a pretty good indication of how up and down / crazy 2021 was for me personally and for Wild Sea Calligraphy.

From starting the year in lockdown to the sheer panic of home teaching two children who had no intention of learning, whilst working two part-time jobs and running Wild Sea Calligraphy. I think just about scraped by with my sanity intact.

Two big events for the business last year was the acquisition of a Heidelberg platen press, something I’d wanted for as long as I can remember. The press was moved down from Yorkshire in April 2021 and up until November was sitting in a garage (not the ideal situation at all).

This leads me to the next event…

After searching high and low for a suitable studio space - one that had doors big enough and flooring stable enough to support a 1-ton piece of machinery I was so so lucky to discover the wonderful Alma Yard in central Plymouth.

There was the opportunity to take on a studio space that would fit my printer (mainly because there weren’t any walls built yet and we could just pop it in,) but also a space large enough for me to host my beginner’s modern calligraphy workshops.

So take a look at the gallery, if you are based in Plymouth come along and check out the studio. It’s open on a Monday and Wednesday 9am - 2.30 pm. Where I’ll be selling all manner of modern calligraphy kits, calligraphy workshops, vouchers, calligraphy supplies and letterpress printed greetings cards.