How Calligraphy Can Promote Mindfulness

Modern life is FAST. We have all manner of devices beeping notifications at us, there are children, pets and partners all demanding our attention, and many of us also carry what I like to call a “burdensome brain” (remembering everything from what groceries are needed, to which day is football practice, when the MOT is due, and remembering everyone’s birthday dates and shoe sizes. The list goes on...).  

With the constant whir of everyday life buzzing along in the background, it’s sometimes difficult to find that oasis of calm we need to rediscover ourselves and take a much needed breather. 

That’s where calligraphy comes in. Sitting down with a pen to practice the art of calligraphy means clearing all of the clutter from your mind and breathing slowly and deeply. It means concentration. And it means control. Unlike other methods of mindfulness, the calm controlled state we enter when practicing the art of calligraphy tends to happen rather organically- you don’t need to try and find your zen, it just happens with a pen! (I should patent that).

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Calming Calligraphy

Being mindful whilst creating beautiful, artful lettering at the same time is at the heart of modern calligraphy. Laying out my pens, paper, nibs and ink is a kind of process in itself and makes me feel an instant sense of calm, which is probably why I find it such an utter joy to practice.

I always make sure that my feet are both firmly planted on the floor to ground me, and that my back is straight and posture correct. Breathing deeply and losing myself in the strokes is all part of it. Dipping the pen into ink after every few words is akin to repeatedly stopping for a mindfulness bell.

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Mindfulness Practice

Focusing your wandering mind on the task at hand really helps you to relax and find inner calm. Even if it's only for 10 minutes a day, losing yourself in the rhythmic strokes of your lettering will soon become a joyful oasis of calm in your otherwise busy life. Mindful calligraphy will become etched into the fabric of you, and will quickly be something you can’t do without. 

The sole idea of simply sitting down, dedicating some time for our well-being in a comfortable setting and doing something you find pleasurable is a gift. In this digital age, while typing on keyboards and screens allows us to write at technology’s speed, practicing calligraphy provides the slowness needed to experience the miracle of mindfulness.

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Calligraphy for Beginners

If you need to find some mindfulness and think calligraphy would be a calming addition to your life, then why not try it? Yes it takes practice, but for those willing to put the time, the returns are enormous. Start with a few letters, some shading, delicate fine hairlines or just simple pen control.. you’ll soon find your own groove and before you know it all burdensome brains will be banished and make way for quiet and peacefulness! With my calligraphy for beginners courses, you will not only will you learn a new skill and master a beautiful art form, but you will be able to indulge your creative side whilst practicing mindfulness and finding your inner calm. And that in itself, is priceless…