What a year - 2020 in review

I mean what can I really say about this year, we’ve all lived 12 months in what feels like (dare I say it) unprecedented times. 2020 certainly did not turn out the way we expected it to. Like many people, creatives, owners of small businesses I had planned for this year to be a bloody mega year and boy did we all have to pivot, adjust our plans and push ahead in any way that worked to keep our sanity intact and enough income to keep our businesses afloat. Here is how my 2020 with Wild Sea Calligraphy panned out…

January 2020

Come out of Christmas hibernation to teach a few in-person workshops in my favourite venues locations (now some are sadly closed due to the impact Covid has had on business). I had already made the decision to teach less in-person workshops in 2020 as teaching 100 in 2019 had almost broke me. I was really looking forward to returning to my favourite places. Also the first time I hear about how bad Covid is in China. I also decide that this year I’m going to work on improving my Copperplate calligraphy.

February 2020

Hitting the big 4-0 I haven’t got many workshops planned for this month. Instead, I am spoiled rotten. I attend an online workshop with Rachel Yallop through The European Pointed Pen Collective and stay in some beautiful hotels in Cornwall.

March 2020

😱 😱 😱 😱
- book initial launch date, cancelled.

- beginners Spencerian with Barbara Calzolari (which I spent 2019 organising), cancelled.

- all of my in-person workshops for 2020, cancelled.

- life as we know it, cancelled.

April 2020

Spending time trying to think about what I can do for my business. Luckily I had already recorded online workshops (the previous September) which I add to my website. I have my beginner’s modern calligraphy kit featured in the online edition of FEMAIL magazine which helps me so so so much. I launch my free Facebook Live teaching kids calligraphy which was viewed by 5.4k users on Facebook.

May 2020

Online workshops are being booked, I’m really enjoying this new way of teaching. Trying to balance running a small business with homeschooling (fun fun fun). I take an online workshop with Barbara Calzolari in Gothecised Italics. I also learn Copperplate flourishing from Ceciia Boschi.

June 2020

I carry on learning with my 1-2-1 online workshop, learning finer details of Copperplate calligraphy with Cecilia Boschi. After months of learning engraving, I launch my calligraphy hand-engraved range of gin and champagne glasses. I am accepted as a new seller on Not On The High Street. I take a workshop via Bombay Lettering with Chandan Mahinkar in custom hand lettering.

July 2020

Teaching lots more online beginners calligraphy workshops. Kids start their official summer holidays. I’m creating some little projects for myself to improve my own calligraphy in my free time. I take a workshop with Maria Helena though The European Pointed Pen Collective which is amazing.

August 2020

Summer holidays spent mostly on Dartmoor with the family, exploring new places and climbing tors. Spending time away from packed beaches is a shame but we pick up our sailing and spend time sailing to Cawsand and Mothecombe as a family. My work is featured in Town & Country magazine and Coast magazine which I am thrilled to bits with. Writing lots of place settings for weddings in America and some small UK weddings. Lots of wedding vows being written for custom orders.

September 2020

Bittersweet times as the little ones head back to school, I take a workshop by two awesome calligraphers Suzanne Cunningham and Schin Loong both in flourishing. I launch my 100 days until Christmas marketing campaign and Christmas shop.

October 2020

This is my busiest month for teaching online beginners modern calligraphy workshops, I teach 2 per week for the whole month. Terms starts for one of my part-time jobs and I start a second part-time job to cover the missed income from not teaching any in-person workshops this year. We lose our darling Border Terrier Happy and my heart breaks.

November 2020

I take a lettering workshop with Lettering Queen via Acorn Arts. Christmas orders are in full swing. We welcome little Melly to our family.

December 2020

Featured in Absolutely Mama, The Simple Things, Ideal Home and Period Living, Country Homes & Interiors magazines. Christmas orders are going crackers, out of office is brought forward to 14th December - annnnnd relax.
